Disney Princess Collection Parodies Wiki

(In the throne room, Myotismon's group, back in their real forms, sat in the throne while Swackhammer, Ruggedo, Hunter J, and the thieves are with them with the black lamp)

Vanitas: It has been done.

Myotismon: Our revenge has been complete.

Hades: There's only one left to complete.

Swackhammer: (Hopefully) My wish?

Myotismon's group: (Smirking evilly) Yes. Your wish.

Ruggedo: I say we celebrate first!

Hook: (Voice-over, in a deep voice) Couldn't agree with you more.

(They turned and saw Hook and his guards there, disguised as delivery boys carrying boxes of party supplies)

Swackhammer: How ironic.

(Then they unpacked the party supplies. Out of the streets of Agrabah, Fidget is walking along sadly, preparing to leave. Suddenly, he noticed a couple looking around in concern for something)

Man: Aziz?!

Woman: Aziz, where are you?!

(They noticed Fidget and went up to him hopefully)

Woman: Sir, we're looking for our son, Aziz.

Man: Have you seen him?

(Fidget shook his head no)

Fidget: No I haven't. If you excuse....

Man: Wait! You don't understand.

Woman: My husband and I just got in a fight and then wrongfully pinned the blame on our son angrily. And when we went up to this room later to apologize....

(She calmly breaks down crying)

Man: He had already ran away.

(Feeling calmly sorry for them, Fidget declined politely)

Fidget: I wish I could help, but I can't do anything right.

(The woman stopped crying and reassured him)

Woman: (Sniffles) It doesn't matter if it's right or wrong. Our son is missing, and we really need your help.

(A short pause, then Fidget gives in)

Fidget: Alright. I'll look for you.

Couple: (Relieved) Thank you!

(Then he ran off to begin his search while the couple ran the other way. Once in another alleyway, Fidget heard soft calm crying in a corner and looked. He sees a little boy sitting there, crying silently)

Fidget: Excuse me?

(The boy looks up and got scared at first)

Fidget: Hey, hey. It's okay. Is something the matter?

(The boy doesn't respond. Then Fidget got why)

Fidget: (Realizing) Oh, the whole "Don't talk to strangers" thing, right?

Boy: (Nods tearfully) Yeah.

Fidget: Well, don't consider me a stranger anymore. I'm somewhat here to help.

Boy: (Sniffles) You are?

Fidget: (Nods) Yeah. Now, what's troubling you.

Boy: (Tearing up) I ran away from home because my parents hate me. Epsecially since they just had their fight.

(Then the boy breaks down crying. Fidget, unaware that he just said that at first, comforted him)

Fidget: (Soothingly) Hey, hey. No need to....

(He did a double take and realized)

Fidget: Wait a minute! You're Aziz, aren't you?

(The boy, now revealed to be Aziz, got confused as he slowly stopped crying)

Aziz: How did you...?

Fidget: Your parents are looking for you. They're worried sick.

Aziz: (Slowly hopeful) They are?

Fidget: Yeah! Come on, let's go find them.

(He holds his hand out to Aziz. The boy, after contemplating while looking at his hand, took it and they ran out to look for his parents. Then ironically, they bumped into them)

Aziz: Mom, Dad!

Couple: Aziz!

(They group hugged happily in happy tears)

Woman: Oh, my baby! We're so sorry for snapping at you.

Man: And we promise that we'll never fight again.

Aziz: I'm glad. I love you.

(They hugged some more. Seeing this, Fidget smiled softly, happy to see them reunited. Then as he said this line next, he became lost in thought as his smile faded away, as if he's realizing something)

Fidget: (Whispering) I guess it felt good to help others. And to think back, I thought I couldn't do anything right....

(Then he realized and smiled)

Fidget: Stellaluna...! Even Pazu and the others....

(Then the couple and Aziz ended their hug and turned to Fidget in gratitude)

Aziz: Thank you, Mister.

Man: You were a great help.

Woman: Indeed.

Fidget: (Shrugs) It was nothing. Glad I could be of help.

(Then with that, the couple and Aziz left for home. Then behind Fidget, Stellaluna and Sasha arrived, and then they spoke, getting Fidget's attention)

Sasha: We saw the whole thing, Fidget.

Stellaluna: You did good.

(Fidget noticed them and got relieved)

Fidget: Oh, hey guys! Listen...!

Stellaluna: Don't say no more.

Sasha: What you did was wonderful, but you mustn't leave us.

Stellaluna: And besides, the princesses actually know what it's like to have love like you and I have. It's because they learn to forgive and forget because of honesty and being who you are on the inside.

Fidget: That's great and all, but...!

(Stellaluna and Sasha signals him to stop, and then begins singing)

Sasha: These are seven boys

Who think with their hearts

Their hearts are not always wise

These are seven boys

Who stumble and fall

But these are seven boys who tries

Stellaluna: These are seven boys

You'll forgive and forgive

And help and protect

As long as you live

Sasha and Stellaluna: They will not always say

What you would have them say

But now and then

They'll say something wonderful

Sasha: The thoughtless things they'll do

Will hurt and worry you

Then all at once

They'll do something wonderful

Stellaluna: They have a thousand dreams

That won't come true

You know that they believe in them

And that's enough for you

You'll always go along

Sasha: Defend them when they're wrong

Sasha and Stellaluna: And tell them when they're strong

They are wonderful

They'll always need our loyalty

And so they'll get our loyalty

Seven boys who need our loyalty

Can be wonderful

(The song over, Fidget nods and then explained away)

Fidget: Thanks, you two. And I just trying to tell you; I already changed my mind upon helping that family.

Sasha and Stellaluna: (Realizing) Oh!

Sasha: Glad you changed your mind.

Stellaluna: I guess it was worth looking for you.

(Then they changed the subject)

Fidget: Anyway, shall we go help our friends.

Sasha and Stellaluna: (Nods) Yes.

(Then they head back to the palace. Back in the throne room, Swackhammer looked excited as the villains just finished their celebration and Hook and his guards have left)

Swackhammer: Now, about my third wish....

Infinite: (Smirks evilly under his mask) But why waste your third wish over silly things?

Mephiles: You want Blackbeard's treasure, right? You can have it.

(Myotismon's group raised their hands and soon the sunken ship appeared with gold pouring out of it. Swackhammer's gang smiled happily and runs around the ship greedily and happily, and on happily, like children on Christmas morning)

Thief 1: My, what a lot of gold!

Ruggedo: We're happy already!

(Swackhammer passed the ship, unaware that the ornament on the front of it came to life and tries to grab the black lamp. But he missed and snapped its "Fingers." It disappeared. The ornament is actually Figment signaling Pazu that he didn't get it)

Ruggedo: Can Swacky and I have more stuff?

(Myotismon's group and Hunter J rolled their eyes and Myotismon's group made a red gem on a pedestal appear)

Swackhammer: That is what I always wanted!

(Swackhammer puts the black lamp on the throne and runs to the gem, picking it up)

Swackhammer: IT'S INCREDIBLE!!

Ruggedo: MORE!!

Swackhammer and Ruggedo: WE DEMAND MORE!

Hunter J: Will you both simmer down!

(Myotismon's group are getting impatient but made more treasure chests appeared in hope to please the two. As this happened, Figment stretched his arm around the room dodging any falling treasures. His arm appears at the throne and he is about to grab at the black lamp. However a golden statue lands on his hand giving the imaginary friend dragon the urge to scream. Spyro, Cynder, and Sparx grabbed his mouth and covered it in the nick of time. Charlie and Itchy looked around surprised)

Itchy: (Whispering) My word!

(A treasure chest is about to land on him but Charlie and Sheeta pulled him out of the way in time. Then they see Fidget, Stellaluna, and Sasha arrive and they nod with determined smiles. Then they gestured to Fidget to go hide out in the garden in case for a sneak attack, to which he understood and left. Even Hook and his guards, out of their disguises, ran out as well to await their cue to arrest any surviving villains. With the villains, Drake spoke up after the treasure binge is done)

Drake: (Impatiently) Well, you should have everything you want by now.

Myotismon: It's time you owe us.

Swackhammer: (Snapping out of it) What? Oh yes.

(Swackhammer runs to the throne. Popple and Yoshi were there about to grab the black lamp until they saw the alien coming, forcing them to hide. Swackhammer picks the black lamp up and held it over his head)

Swackhammer: For my final wish, I wish for Myotismon's group to be...!

(The heroes gasped in horror, believing it will be over. But then Swackhammer and Ruggedo got suspicious)

Swackhammer: Wait a minute.

Ruggedo: (To Myotismon's group) How do Swackhammer and I know we could trust you not to make these things disappeared once I let you go for good?

(Myotismon's group and even Hunter J, annoyed, got in Swackhammer and Ruggedo's faces)

Myotismon: I believe you should ask how can you stay alive if you don't?!

(Myotismon's group and Hunter J stormed off making Swackhammer, Ruggedo, and their thieves befuddled)

Swackhammer: Now wait! You told me that genies can't kill people!

Ruggedo: He's right.

Thief 2: And since when did Hunter J suddenly support you guys instead of Swackhammer and Ruggedo here?!

Myotismon: Because she's my wife, fool!

Hunter J: That's right!

(A noise is heard and they turned, looking shocked)

Myotismon's group and Hunter J: What?!

(Swackhammer's gang turned and saw Popple and Yoshi trying to grab the black lamp away from Swackhammer. He tries to hold onto the black lamp)

Swackhammer: No! Keep your hands away from this lamp!

Ruggedo: Yeah! Finder's keepers, loser's weepers, punks!

Popple: Pazu, guys! A little help, please!

Pazu's group: (Running in) Got it!

(Pazu's group grabbed onto the black lamp trying to help, getting into a tug-o'-war with Swackhammer and Ruggedo)

Swackhammer: Let go of it!

(Myotismon's group and Hunter J, by this time, looked shocked as they see Pazu's group still alive)

Myotismon's group: You're still alive, boys?!

Hunter J: Impossible!

(Myotismon fires an energy blast, not caring that Swackhammer, Ruggedo, and their gang are in the line of fire. They, along with Pazu's group, Popple, and Yoshi, got blasted and got sent onto the balcony outside. The floor started cracking and it collapsed sending the floor to the ground. Figment appeared as a giant armchair catching Pazu's group in the seat and Popple and Yoshi on the armrest right on time)

Snake: Goodssss catch, Figment!

(Spyro, Cynder, and Sparx flew Sheeta and Leatherhead's groups down while the other heroes took shelter with Hook and the guards)

Cynder: Where's the black lamp?

Sparx: (Pointing) There it is!

Spyro: After it!

(The black lamp is hanging on a tree branch. Swackhammer tried to grab the black lamp but only caught it to fell to the ground. Just when they grabbed it, the heroes flew after them. Spyro and Cynder then blasted a blast at Swackhammer's gang, knocking them out. They charge after the black lamp when the ground suddenly breaks open Malomyotismon and his group appeared in their genie forms, laughing sinisterly, blowing everyone away knocking them further from the black lamp. Even Hunter J appeared, ready to fight)

Hunter J: Trying to get it? Too bad!

(Sheeta and Leatherhead's groups snuck by them and tried to go for the black lamp, but they didn't go unnoticed)

Malomyotismon: (Seeing Sheeta and Leatherhead's group) Don't even try anything, princesses and guards!

(Malomyotismon's group and their henchmen and even Hunter J fired a blast at Sheeta and Leatherhead's groups, but missed. Suddenly, Pazu's group zipped by, grabbing the black lamp)

Mephiles: (Outraged) This foolish game is over!

(Malomyotismon's group made two glowing fireballs linked together appeared and threw it at the group. But luckily, they dodged and landed on the ground)

Leatherhead: Hurry, guys!

(Pazu sees that he is almost close to the black lamp and tries to get to it. But suddenly a pillar grew out of the rock and lifted him, his group, Spyro, Cynder, and Sparx up. Soom the rest begins to open to let out a bunch of molten lava. Kairi and Riku find themselves on a single piece of land sticking out of the earth. A part of the palace fell into the pit of lava while Pazu's group hangs onto the pillar with their lives as they try to go for the black lamp as he passed by the land it's on. But no matter what, the villains kept blasting the pillar making them miss. Pazu's group does not have that much time to hold on. Suddenly, Fidget flew out and saved Pazu's group in the nick of time. Seeing this, Malomyotismon's group and Hunter J got angry)

Malomyotismon's group: TRAITOR!!

Hunter J: You little loser!

(Fidget got determined as he helped Pazu's group to the black lamp)

Fidget: I was a traitor! I was a loser! But I'm not any of those anymore!

(Then the heroes zipped around the villains thanks to Spyro, Cynder, and Sparx, seemingly winning at first, knocking the henchmen out, but then, Hunter J sees Stellaluna and jumps at her. Noticing, Fidget ran to Stellaluna's aid)

Fidget: Leave her alone!

(Then Malomyotismon appeared as he offscreen stabbed Fidget, causing him to scream in pain, yet he managed to hold onto the black lamp carefully)

Heroes: Fidget!

(Then Mephiles grabbed the black lamp)

Mephiles: Sorry, but you can't beat us.

(Then Figment realized something and points it out in determination)

Figment: Haven't you forgotten the number one rule?! Genies never kill!

Malomyotismon: Forget that rule! We will finish you off!

Vanitas: Starting with that stupid bat of yours!

(Then just they and Hunter J prepared to finish Fidget first, Stellaluna shouted, making them stop)

Stellaluna: STOP!!

(They turned)

Stellaluna: You leave me no choice!

(She removes her medallion and held it over the lava pit, much to Hunter J's concern)

Hunter J: Don't you dare drop it!

Stellaluna: Let me heal Fidget first, and then I won't drop this. And then I'll go with you, Hunter J

(The villains got suspicious while the heroes got concerned)

Pinkie Pie: Stellaluna, don't!

Pokey Pierce: You mustn't!

(Hunter J approached Stellaluna with a scowl)

Hunter J: So if my husband's group and I let you heal him, then you will cooperate and leave with me, where you'll never be found?

Stellaluna: Yes.

(A short pause, then Malomyotismon's group trapped the heroes, except Fidget and Stellaluna, in a barrier)

Malomyotismon's group: So you won't interfere.

Hunter J: Now heal him.

(Stellaluna ran up to Fidget and kneeled beside him)

Stellaluna: Fidget!

Fidget: (Weakly) Stellaluna, I can't let you...!

Stellaluna: It'll be fine.

(He holds her medallion out to Fidget. Then secretly eyeing the lava pit near them, Fidget got what Stellaluna is planning. Then he nods)

Fidget: (Weakly) Okay....

(Then he held the medallion with Stellaluna and then, to the villains' shock, they threw the medallion in the lava)

Hunter J: NO!!

(Then Figment used all his power to destroy the barrier, freeing himself and the heroes and then Pazu's group charged at Malomyotismon's group and Pazu grabbed the black lamp from Mephiles)

Malomyotismon's group: Our lamp!

(Then, to Malomyotismon's group's horror, Pazu throws the black lamp into the lava as well, making Malomyotismon's group scream as well)

Malomyotismon's group: NO!!

Malomyotismon's group and Hunter J: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!

(Malomyotismon's group and Hunter J screamed in pain as the medallion and black lamp began to melt. Soon they were gone as the eight villains screamed in pain. Seeing the magic Malomyotismon's group casted upon the garden beginning to break, the heroes ran out of the way, with Stellaluna carrying Fidget. Meanwhile, Malomyotismon's group and Hunter J continued to scream in bigger pain as a bright light appeared. Soon Malomyotismon's group's skeletons disappeared as they screamed more in pain. They stopped and spins around like mad until they exploded. Then Hunter J was blasted by the light and her melting skin got covered by her clothing as her skin melted into a skeleton. Then her clothes disintegrated as well, revealing her skeleton. It shook a bit until it crumbled into dust. Once the earth is closed up, the grayish pink sky clears up in a flash of light, revealing that sunrise is approaching slowly. Then once all that is done, the heroes then got concerned as they see Stellaluna lay Fidget down upon hearing him cough)

Stellaluna: Fidget, stay with me!

Leatherhead: Hurry up and heal him, by gumbo! Quick!

(Stellaluna nods and then quickly sings her incantation, covering the stab wound, which is partially covered by Fidget's hands)

Stellaluna: (A little quickly) Magic, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

(She stopped singing upon seeing her hands not glowing)

Stellaluna: Why isn’t it working?! I just have to have the power in me! It just has to be!

Fidget: (Weakly) Stellaluna….

Stellaluna: No, I have to keep trying!

Fidget: (Weakly) Stellaluna...!

(Stellaluna quiets down finally as the group looked on in sadness and concern. Fidget then weakly placed his hand onto Stellaluna’s cheek as she held it gently)

Fidget: (Weakly) It’s all right…. You were my most important adventure ever besides Pazu and the others…. And I thank you….

(Stellaluna started to tear up)

Stellaluna: (Tearfully) I know! But…!

(Fidget suddenly closed his eyes slowly and exhaled softly as he went limp)

Stellaluna: Fidget! Fidget!

(Then his hand fell to the floor, limp. Realizing he’s dead, the group got despaired as Stellaluna tearfully begged)

Stellaluna: (Crying) No, no! Please! Don’t leave us! Don’t leave me!

(She laid her head against Fidget’s chest above his stab wound, covered by his other hand, and cried)

Stellaluna: (Crying) I love you….

(The heroes teared up, started crying softly and silently, and hung their heads in sadness. Although Hook and his guards just hung their heads in sadness. Then Stellaluna started singing her healing incantation in tears)

Stellaluna: (Crying) Heal what has been hurt

Change the Fates’ design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine

(She cries again as two teardrops plipped onto Fidget’s hand over the stab wound and then streamed down the hand onto the stab wound. All was silent with the sun slowly coming up, except for Stellaluna’s sobbing, then suddenly, a gold light emerged from Fidget’s stab wound, getting everyone’s attention and snapping them out of their grieving. Stellaluna was the last to notice and then watched along with the group as the gold light twirled into the form of a golden flower and then entered Fidget’s stab wound, healing it. Fidget gasped softly with his eyes still closed, making Stellaluna and the heroes notice hopefully as morning finally came. Then Fidget slowly opened his eyes and smiled)

Fidget: (Groggily) Hey, guys…. I guess…. My time’s not up, huh?

(The heroes got happy)

Stellaluna: Fidget!

(She and Fidget hug happily. Then the main heroes joined in and hugged as well while Hook and his guards just watched in calm surprise still. Then that ended when they heard groaning nearby. They turned and saw the henchmen and even Swackhammer's gang waking up slowly from their unconsciousness. Then Hook and the guards apprehended them)

Hook: You're under arrest!

(The remaining villains got shocked upon seeing the heroes looking at them with calm glares)

Swackhammer: (Nervously) Uh, we take it we lost?

Ruggedo: (Nervously) No hard feelings, right?

Henchmen: (Nervously) Yeah, right?

Pazu: Well....

(Sheeta walked up to Ruggedo and punched him squarely in the face)

Sheeta: That's for cutting my hair!

(The heroes, except Hook and the guards who just smiled in calm satisfaction, cheered at Sheeta's tenacity to punch Ruggedo. Figment then began to shoot out fireworks from his hands. The whole sky then became filled with fireworks as the heroes begin to celebrate)

Coming up: The finale; What happens next after Myotismon's group and Hunter J's deaths and the henchmen and Swackhammer's gang's arrest? Only time will tell.
